In this blog, I’m going to cover how to setup a Route based IPSec VPN in Juniper Networks’ JunOS. I hope you’ve read my previous blog which was about configuring Policy based IPSec VPN in JunOS. In case you haven’t, you can find it here: Policy Based IPSec VPN in JunOS The reason I’m mentioning about the previous post is that the Route based IPSec VPN is much similar to the Policy based one. Yes, there are some distinctive differences between the two, however the basic concepts of IPSec VPN in Junos holds same for both. Here, I’ll be pointing out those differences along with the configuration.
Lab Overview

In this lab, my objective is to setup a route based IPSec VPN between the KTM device and the BRT device. And as usual, I’ve got my ISP router between the two VPN endpoints. Now, without any further adieu, let’s get started with the configuration steps:
Basic Configuration
Since I’ve already performed basic configuration in KTM router in the previous blog post, I’m not going to repeat it here. Just for your reference, you can find it here. So, I’m just going to configure BRT router.
[code language=”bash”]root# set system host-name BRT
root# set system root-authentication plain-text-password[/code]
[code language=”bash”]root# delete security zones security-zone trust interfaces ge-0/0/0.0
root# set security zones security-zone BRT-Net interfaces ge-0/0/1
root# set security zones security-zone BRT-Net host-inbound-traffic system-services all
root# set security zones security-zone Public-Net host-inbound-traffic system-services ike
root# set security zones security-zone Public-Net host-inbound-traffic system-services ping
root# set security zones security-zone Public-Net interfaces ge-0/0/0[/code]
[code language=”bash”]root# set interfaces ge-0/0/0 unit 0 family inet address
root# set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet address[/code]
[code language=”bash”]root# set security zones security-zone BRT-Net address-book address BRT-Network
root# set security zones security-zone BRT-Net address-book address BRT-Server-1
root# set security zones security-zone BRT-Net address-book address-set BRT-Servers address BRT-Server-1
root# set security zones security-zone Public-Net address-book address KTM-Network[/code]
[code language=”bash”]
root@BRT# set routing-options static route next-hop
root@BRT# edit security ike
root@BRT# set proposal BRT-KTM-IKE-Phase1-Proposal authentication-method pre-shared-keys
root@BRT# set proposal BRT-KTM-IKE-Phase1-Proposal dh-group group2
root@BRT# set proposal BRT-KTM-IKE-Phase1-Proposal authentication-algorithm sha1
root@BRT# set proposal BRT-KTM-IKE-Phase1-Proposal encryption-algorithm aes-128-cbc
root@BRT# set policy BRT-KTM-IKE-Phase1-Policy mode main
root@BRT# set policy BRT-KTM-IKE-Phase1-Policy proposals BRT-KTM-IKE-Phase1-Proposal
root@BRT# set policy BRT-KTM-IKE-Phase1-Policy pre-shared-key ascii-text Secret@1234
root@BRT# set gateway GW-KTM ike-policy BRT-KTM-IKE-Phase1-Policy
root@BRT# set gateway GW-KTM address
root@BRT# set gateway GW-KTM external-interface ge-0/0/0
root@BRT# top
root@BRT# set routing-options static route next-hop
root@BRT# set interfaces st0 unit 0 family inet address
root@BRT# set security zones security-zone Public-Net interfaces st0.0
root@BRT# edit security ipsec
root@BRT# set proposal BRT-KTM-IPSec-Phase2-Proposal protocol esp
root@BRT# set proposal BRT-KTM-IPSec-Phase2-Proposal authentication-algorithm hmac-sha1-96
root@BRT# set proposal BRT-KTM-IPSec-Phase2-Proposal encryption-algorithm aes-128-cbc
root@BRT# set policy BRT-KTM-IPSec-Phase2-Policy perfect-forward-secrecy keys group2
root@BRT# set policy BRT-KTM-IPSec-Phase2-Policy proposals BRT-KTM-IPSec-Phase2-Proposal
root@BRT# set vpn BRT-KTM-VPN bind-interface st0.0
root@BRT# set vpn BRT-KTM-VPN ike gateway GW-KTM
root@BRT# set vpn BRT-KTM-VPN ike ipsec-policy BRT-KTM-IPSec-Phase2-Policy
root@BRT# set vpn BRT-KTM-VPN establish-tunnels immediately
root@BRT# set security policies from-zone BRT-Net to-zone Public-Net policy BRT-KTM match source-address BRT-Network
root@BRT# set security policies from-zone BRT-Net to-zone Public-Net policy BRT-KTM match destination-address KTM-Network
root@BRT# set security policies from-zone BRT-Net to-zone Public-Net policy BRT-KTM match application any
root@BRT# set security policies from-zone BRT-Net to-zone Public-Net policy BRT-KTM then permit
root@BRT# set security policies from-zone Public-Net to-zone BRT-Net policy KTM-BRT match source-address KTM-Network
root@BRT# set security policies from-zone Public-Net to-zone BRT-Net policy KTM-BRT match destination-address BRT-Network
root@BRT# set security policies from-zone Public-Net to-zone BRT-Net policy KTM-BRT match application any
root@BRT# set security policies from-zone Public-Net to-zone BRT-Net policy KTM-BRT then permit
root@BRT# show | compare
root@BRT# commit check
root@BRT# commit
root@BRT# set security policies from-zone BRT-Net to-zone Public-Net policy Permit-All match source-address any
root@BRT# set security policies from-zone BRT-Net to-zone Public-Net policy Permit-All match destination-address any
root@BRT# set security policies from-zone BRT-Net to-zone Public-Net policy Permit-All match application any
root@BRT# set security policies from-zone BRT-Net to-zone Public-Net policy Permit-All then permit
root@BRT# insert security policies from-zone BRT-Net to-zone Public-Net policy BRT-KTM before policy Permit-All
root@BRT# commit
Configuration in KTM vSRX:
[code language=”bash”]
root@KTM# set security zones security-zone Public-Net address-book address BRT-Network
root@KTM# set routing-options static route next-hop
root@KTM# set interfaces st0.0 family inet address
root@KTM# set security zones security-zone Public-Net interfaces st0.0
root@KTM# edit security ike
root@KTM# set proposal KTM-BRT-IKE-Phase1-Proposal authentication-method pre-shared-keys
root@KTM# set proposal KTM-BRT-IKE-Phase1-Proposal dh-group group2
root@KTM# set proposal KTM-BRT-IKE-Phase1-Proposal authentication-algorithm sha1
root@KTM# set proposal KTM-BRT-IKE-Phase1-Proposal encryption-algorithm aes-128-cbc
root@KTM# set policy KTM-BRT-IKE-Phase1-Policy mode main
root@KTM# set policy KTM-BRT-IKE-Phase1-Policy proposals KTM-BRT-IKE-Phase1-Proposal
root@KTM# set policy KTM-BRT-IKE-Phase1-Policy pre-shared-key ascii-text Secret@1234
root@KTM# set gateway GW-BRT ike-policy KTM-BRT-IKE-Phase1-Policy
root@KTM# set gateway GW-BRT address
root@KTM# set gateway GW-BRT external-interface ge-0/0/0
root@KTM# top edit security ipsec
root@KTM# set proposal KTM-BRT-IPSec-Phase2-Proposal protocol esp
root@KTM# set proposal KTM-BRT-IPSec-Phase2-Proposal authentication-algorithm hmac-sha1-96
root@KTM# set proposal KTM-BRT-IPSec-Phase2-Proposal encryption-algorithm aes-128-cbc
root@KTM# set policy KTM-BRT-IPSec-Phase2-Policy perfect-forward-secrecy keys group2
root@KTM# set policy KTM-BRT-IPSec-Phase2-Policy proposals KTM-BRT-IPSec-Phase2-Proposal
root@KTM# set vpn KTM-BRT-VPN bind-interface st0.0
root@KTM# set vpn KTM-BRT-VPN ike gateway GW-BRT
root@KTM# set vpn KTM-BRT-VPN ike ipsec-policy KTM-BRT-IPSec-Phase2-Policy
root@KTM# set vpn KTM-BRT-VPN establish-tunnels immediately
root@KTM# top
root@KTM# show | compare
root@KTM# commit check
root@KTM# set security policies from-zone Public-Net to-zone DC-Net policy BRT-KTM match source-address BRT-Network
root@KTM# set security policies from-zone Public-Net to-zone DC-Net policy BRT-KTM match destination-address DC-Network
root@KTM# set security policies from-zone Public-Net to-zone DC-Net policy BRT-KTM match application any
root@KTM# set security policies from-zone Public-Net to-zone DC-Net policy BRT-KTM then permit
root@KTM# commit check
root@KTM# commit
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